Blog: Kick-off Heel Heerlen Graaft!
On June 18, 2023, the community archaeology project “Heel Heerlen Graaft!” was launched in a festive manner. The afternoon began with the opening of the exhibition ‘The Discovery of Coriovallum’, showcasing magnificent findings from Heerlen. The exhibition was inaugurated at De Vondst by Karen Jeneson, the curator of the Thermenmuseum. After the opening, Alderman Jordy Clemens (Municipality of Heerlen) and Jeanet Bruil from NWO delivered inspiring words about the significance of citizen science and this project.
Then, it was time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. The first shovel went into the ground at the test pit on Raadhuisplein, with Jordy and Jeanet having the honour. The second test pit in the Ingenieur Dingertuin was opened by our very own Saskia Stevens and Ollivier Trouw from APG.
It was wonderful to witness the presence of so many interested participants from “Heel Heerlen Graaft!” during this launch! This bodes well for the Grand Dig Days scheduled for September 9 and 10, 2023.
Watch the recap of the kick-off below or via this link.